Urgent Care in Waynesboro
Did your pet swallow a bone, take a bad fall, or get in a fight with another pet? Have they not
been eating or drinking in the last 24 hours? Urgent veterinary care may be needed at any time.
If we’re open, call us immediately at (540) 943-3081! Even situations that may not seem urgent
are worth discussing. We want to make sure that your pet is out of harm’s way.
If your pet comes to us with an emergency, they become our highest priority. We know that every minute counts and will do everything possible to take care of them.

Recommended After-Hours Emergency Vet Clinics
No need to panic—if our animal hospital is closed, you still have options for urgent and
emergency pet care. We work with the following emergency veterinary clinics:” and then let’s add their hours under their addresses.
Greenbrier Emergency Animal Hospital
370 Greenbrier Drive
Charlottesville, VA 22901
6:00 pm – 8:00 am M-F, 24 Hours Weekends & Holidays
(434) 202-1616
465 Lee Highway
Verona, VA 24482
Open 24/7/365
(540) 248-1051